The Giver Research Paper

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as the children’s book rather, a young adult or adult fiction. The Giver

was one of the earliest novels of Lois Lowry which has been set up in a totalitarian

community, and has controlled even the memories of people.

The Giver revolves around the community which has the concept of Sameness.

The elders of the community has created Sameness in order to keep every aspect of

society alike and away from chaos. The community follows a set of rules and regulations

and nobody can rebel. One who tries to rebel, is Released into Elsewhere by the elders of

the community. Or it can be said that, the people who belong to this community are

controlled in a way that they have lost the ability to rationalize the pros and cons of any

happening around them.

The …show more content…

For him it was unusual to register the change as his

community does not have colours.

The community monitor the actions of every child before the Ceremony of

Twelve, to assign them with a job, keeping in mind the interests and capabilities of the

child. Elders of the community are well aware that Jonas is different from others and can

be their New Receiver of Memories, which is a prestigious Assignment as the Receiver

has to keep all the old memories from before the time of the Sameness.

The Giver is based upon the idealism of a dystopian society but, it was very late

that we got to know, what we thought to be a utopian society was not ideal in real. The

author has beautifully manoeuvred her story by keeping it in a series of action. The story

begins with idea of Sameness and the community seems to be an idealistic society where

everything appears to be alluring and catches the attention of readers but very soon, it

becomes apparent that Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Expression is an

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