The Giver Essays: Jonas's Unadorned Society

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(AGG) Jonas lives among thousands and is typically the same as his fellow citizens. The day Jonas turns twelve his whole life transforms into a thrilling experience, which he would never forget. (BS-1) Jonas lives in an ordinary life with no excitement. But he accepts the way his society is and will keep on moving on. (BS-2) The questions arouse once Jonas is announced as the receiver of memory. The truths are uncovered, the emotions kick in, and Jonas can't take it anymore. (BS-3) Jonas could not handle the pressure of no individuality nor the lies, so he ends up rejecting his society. (TS)Jonas rejected his society because he had a desire to become different, he wants to make his own choices and also become independant.

(MIP-1) Jonas …show more content…

(SIP-A) Jonas now could feel emotion that he has never encountered before, which remarkably makes him question his society. (STEWE-1) “ But what did it matter? If he stayed, his life was no longer worth living”(155). This shows that Jonas was a little hesitant before he left his society. He knew that if he stayed his life would not be worth living. (STEWE-2) “Jonas learned, through the memories, the names of colors; and now he began to see them all, in his ordinary life (though he knew it had was ordinary no longer, and would never be again)”(97). Jonas starts questioning about his society when he receives the memories. (SIP-B) One thing that Jonas desires is to make his own decisions. (STEWE-1) “Now for the first time in his twelve years of life, Jonas felt separate, different”(65). When Jonas starts making his own decisions he feels confident and different. (STEWE-2) "Well ..." Jonas had to stop and think it through. "If everything's the same, then there aren't any choices! I want to wake up in the morning and decide things! A blue tunic, or a red one?"(97). (CS) It clearly shows that Jonas has had enough of his society. He is tired of the lies, no individuality, and no feelings. This is the final stage that shows Jonas is done questioning his …show more content…

(SIP-A) The rejection of Jonas's society clearly shows that Jonas has had enough of the lies and no individuality. (STEWE-1) “Jonas trudged to the bench beside the Storehouse and sat down, overwhelmed with feelings of loss "His childhood, his friendships, his carefree sense of security--all of these things seemed to be slipping away” (135). His happiness that he had about his friendships and society is slowly drifting away. He has given up, because now he knows what the society is hiding. (STEWE-2) “I'm grateful to you, Jonas, because without you I would never have figured out a way to bring about the change”(162). Jonas made the Giver change his way in thinking about the society. Jonas understands what is going on and wants to let the word out, but the society does not have the gift of receiving memories.(SIP-B) Jonas has never felt Joy in his life before he received the memories, or before he was following all orders of the society (STEWE-1) “On this unexpected, casual holiday he felt happy, as he always had on holidays; but with a deeper happiness than ever before” (131). (STEWE-2) “ But he knew that he couldn’t go back to the world of no feelings that he had lived in so long” (131). (CS) Jonas lives a happy life and will no longer

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