The Gay/Lesbian Market

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The Gay/Lesbian Market

With the waving of the rainbow flag, the emergence of a vibrant gay and lesbian niche market is being heralded across the United States. A wide range of commodities and services aimed at gay and lesbian consumers are now advertised in an equally wide range of media and venues. Reproductions of Robert Mapplethorpe photographs in the New Yorker, Miller Beer ads in the Advocate, catalogues distributed nationally by gay-owned businesses, and websites "display" just a fraction of the new opportunities for consumption based in lesbian and gay identity.

The consolidation of gays and lesbians as a target market raises several questions. What does this market development have to do with the lesbian and gay political movement? Which came first, the movement or the market? Does the market exploit the movement, redirecting resources that would otherwise go to the movement? Or does the market assist the movement by proliferating and normalizing images of gay and lesbian citizens in the media? These are complicated questions, as are their answers. Interaction between gay and lesbian identity and market practices goes back over a hundred years. However, if the capitalist market has enabled the emergence of a gay identity and community, and if it has also enabled the growth of a gay-right movement (and I believe it has done both), the market has nonetheless begun, in the 1990s, to inhibit the progressive possibilities many activists once thought inherent in gay/lesbian identity and the gay/lesbian movement.

The market and the movement intersect at a number of points-in the budgets of nonprofit organizations, in the wallets of gay and lesbian people, in the domestic-partner policies of businesses, in corporat...

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... very young, we are rich, we have children, we are Republicans, we are married, we are socialists. Let us not beg for acceptance on the basis of normalcy or sameness. Let us not deny each other, and let us not be denied in the service of profit.


Gallagher, John. "Ikea's Gay Gamble," Advocate, May, 3,1994.

Johnson, Bradley. "Economics Holds Back Lesbian Ad Market." Advertising Age, January 18, 1993.

Katz, Jonathan. Gay American History: Lesbian and Gay Men in the U.S.A. (Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1976).

Lukenbill, Grant. Untold Millions: Positioning Your Business for the Gay and Lesbian Consumer Revolution. (Harper Collins, 1996).

Reed, Betsy and Amy Gluckman. "Lost in the Gay Marketing Moment: Leaving Diversity in the Dust." Dollars and Sense. Nov./Dec. 1993.

Article copyright Sojourner Feminist Institute, Inc.

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