The Forrester Character Analysis

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The scene where Jamal takes Forrester to the empty baseball field is a pivotal point in their relationship and the movie. After Forrester shares some extremely personal information, Jamal turns to him and says “the rest of those who have gone before us cannot steady the unrest of those that follow”, this being a direct quote from Forrester’s book. This quote, though he was unaware when he initially wrote it, has a lot of significance to his character. Jamal realizes this and reminds him of the words. It is here that Forrester and Jamal’s friendship solidifies and where the end of the movie is foretold. While looking through some old photos of Forrester’s, Jamal discovered that the Yankee Stadium was very important to him. Jamal takes him …show more content…

This being something that Jamal overcame himself. Jamal was good at basketball but he had a true passion for writing, a true love for writing. However, his surroundings, others, stopped him from pursuing this passion. Jamal was recognized for his talent, getting a paid trip to the best private school in the city. Forrester helped him overcome the thoughts of others, yet could not overcome them himself. Jamal reminds Forrester of this in order to get him to share his talent with the world. Forrester still has a passion for writing but he has lost his inspiration and his drive. This can be seen throughout the film. In the beginning, while teaching Jamal not to think but to write, Forrester is constantly typing. This amazes the audience and shows them how good of a writer he is, to be coming up with a presumably good story without even stopping to think. However, in the end when Jamal is accused of plagiarism, it is the first paragraph that is the issue; the exact first paragraph that Forrester wrote. This paragraph is word for word the first paragraph of a magazine article written and published by William Forrester in his youth. While viewers think he is creating a masterpiece, he is truly copying his prior work. Work that he wrote when he had inspiration and was not held by the chains of his mind inside the confines of his own home. Jamal wants him to realize that he is not at fault for his brother’s death and should not let these past events take the reins on his

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