The First Stage of Prenatal Development

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While many people understand the importance of ensuring the safe and proper development of a child in the womb, the psychological reasons behind this are not as widely known. During the Germinal Stage, Embryonic Stage, and Fetal Stage, a single cell develops into a Zygote, an Embryo, and finally a Fetus before birth. In order to be born as a healthy baby, the unborn child must be protected from and endure exposure to certain teratogens, depending on the mother's lifestyle. The first stage of prenatal development is the germinal stage. This stage begins when a sperm and egg cell meet within either of the fallopian tubes and lasts about two weeks until the cells attach to the wall of the uterus. Soon after this, the fertilized egg, or zygote, begins to move toward the uterus. This zygote then begins to divide over and over again, eventually making two separate groups as well as 23 pairs of chromosomes. One of these groups will become the placenta, while the other group will become the embryo. If this process is changed in the slightest way, it can result in the development of twins. Next, cells will develop the blastocyst, which contains three layers known as the ectoderm, the endoderm, and the mesoderm. As the zygote grows into a human being, the ectoderm will develop into the skin and nervous systems, the endoderm will become the digestive and respiratory systems, and the mesoderm will become the muscular and skeletal systems. From here, the zygote attaches itself to the uterine wall, where it will remain for the following nine months and receive nourishment. It is estimated that about 58 percent of naturally conceived zygotes do not ever become properly attached to the uterus (Cherry)....

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...While it is common sense to realize the importance of prenatal development, many people may not actually realize the extent of growth and development that occurs before a baby is even born. It seems vital for women expecting to conceive to know any and all risks they are taking that may have an effect on their child before or early on in their pregnancy. The choices a woman makes during the prenatal stages can have an effect on her child for years or often even for its entire life.

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