The First Child Katherine Gyles

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The first child. Anticipation and excitement fill the mind. Nothing is more exciting than waiting for the thrill of being a parent. The experience of pregnancy and parenthood is like none other. The first child. Everything needs to be perfect. Parents want to spend every moment with their new child. Bonding comes easily. The second child. It may not contain as much as joy as the first child, but excitement is still on the mind. Along with excitement also comes the difficulty to form a connection with the newborn due to being a parent of two. Katherine Gyles knows firsthand the effects of bonding between the first and second child. Katherine’s relationship with her firstborn, Kate, was impeccable. She spent the first few days in her room, barely …show more content…

This hormone reduces a mother’s stress and allows the mother to have skin-to-skin contact with her infant to increase the connection between the two. “Experts say the bond that develops between the two during this time not only sets the tone for their whole relationship, it also helps to determine the future emotional and physical health of the child for decades to come” (Onderko 64). According to a study, researched by Susan Goldberg, the sooner a mother began to connect with her infant, the sooner the baby would begin to breastfeed. By breastfeeding in the early hours after birth, the baby will develop a better bond with their mother. Mothers have a sense of different situations too. Gyles’ relationship with Kate is one to learn from. Shortly after she delivered her second child, Michael, the family experienced a passing. She sensed something was different between her first and second child. “I was “mothering” Michael but “not really connecting” with him” (Gyles 33.) The death in the family caused a saddened environment. Gyles spent less time bonding with Michael than she did with Kate. After realizing this, Katherine began bond with Michael in the same way she did Kate. Gyles quotes, “By day three of this new count, I knew I had crossed to the other side; I was intensely in love with Michael and knew his own deep sweetness, as I had known Kate’s strength”(33). By sensing a change in the environment Gyles was …show more content…

There are many ways to help the challenges. If women experienced a difficult pregnancy she may be too exhausted or hurt to hold her child. After her time in the hospital she will begin to feel better. Once at home kangaroo care, skin to skin contact will aid her in the bonding she lost due to delivery. Parents can sleep with the child and be there when the infant needs cared for. While parents do things around the house, parents are able to carry the child in a sling. This allows the mother and father to connect with the infant even while accomplishing little tasks around the house. Premature babies struggle to gain energy after birth. “Research has shown conclusively that premature babies, even in incubators and ICUs, who are gently stroked daily gain nearly 50% more weight than the ones who are left on their own.” (Shanbhag 15) In order to boost the strength of the infant, bonding should occur. As mothers, hormones are greatly active throughout the pregnancy. One major hormone is oxytocin. Oxytocin gives the mother a warm feeling and can help relieve stress. Newborns spend nine months developing in the mother. It goes without question that the mother and child are attached in that way. After delivery babies are able to smell their mother’s scent. The scent is calming to them. It can also lower pain the infant may be experiencing. A mother’s connection with her child may take time to form, but it will always benefit

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