The False Prince Book Report

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“I still feel like the boy in the orphanage, i’m lost here.” In the book The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen Sage is an orphan who lives in an orphanage with hundreds of kids barely getting enough food to get by, but one day he gets the opportunity of a lifetime…… to be king of Carthya and act as the long lost Prince Jaron. The royal family was secretly killed and the news was never told to the public, so now their was an open spot for king. Sage has to compete with three other boys in tests and lessons to see who will best fit the throne as Prince Jaron. However, the boys not chosen have to be killed. The story takes place in an imaginary land similar to India. The main characters are Sage, Connor, Roden, Tobias, Imogen, Cregan, and Mott. Sage in the beginning didn't really want to be king and always got himself into trouble with his big mouth. However towards the end Sage stops his ways and puts all of his efforts in to getting the throne but a big twist is revealed at the end …show more content…

The author did very well by putting a lot of suspense and shock at the end of the book. This was one of my favorite books I have ever because I enjoyed watching Sage thrive and fail throughout the lessons. I would recommend the book to people who love suspense and action. This book includes running, stabbing, whipping, and supreme royalty and mystery. If you read this book you will see a young boy from an orphanage turn into a king of his country. Also, you will have mixed emotions throughout the book like sadness, confusion, happiness, and angriness all in just a 350 page book. In conclusion, I recommend this book to many different kinds of people as this is one of my favorite …show more content…

I love the theme of the book as it is “don’t judge a book by its cover. “ Also you are always guessing what will happen next as it is always a thriller. In conclusion, The False Prince is one of my favorite

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