The Extension of an Elastic Band

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The Extension of an Elastic Band

Aim & Hypothesis

I anticipate that an increase in the load on the elastic band will

result in an increase in the extension of it. I think that the

extension will be proportional to the load on the elastic band. I

think that there will be a certain amount or energy lost and that this

will increase proportionally as the load increase. This will be lost

due to heat energy.



This experiment does not carry many hazards. Bags and coats will be

moved out of the way to ensure that no one will trip over them. Whilst

loading the elastic band care will be taken to make sure that the

elastic band is loading carefully to try and ensure it does not snap.

However I will be wearing satfey glasses to prevent injuries to my

eyes if the band does snap. I will use some kg masses to stop the

retort stand sliding of the desk.


Independent Variable: Load (kg) the masses which I am applying to the

elastic band.

Dependent Variable: Extension (m) to the elastic band

I have used the same equipment throughout the experiment (including

the same elastic band) to ensure that the experiment is as fair as




The apparatus was set up as shown on the previous page. I measured the

'extension' of the elastic band when it was not loaded. Then I loaded

the elastic band with the masses, increasing in 100g intervals each

time. I allowed the elastic band to stretch and stay in position for

60 seconds before taking a reading. To ensure that my measurements

were as accurate as possible I used a meter ruler which was clamped

onto the retort stand so that the elastic band hung next to it. I

could then measure the extension using a set square flat against the

end of the ruler to read of the measurements. After I had put on all

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