The Negative Effects Of Patriotism In The United States

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One of the most important tools that any government can take advantage of to advance its control is the patriotism of its people. Throughout the history of the world patriotism has been used to justify war, injustice against others and to manipulate a whole population of people. Patriotism is not a word which is meant to have negative effects. As the Merriam Webster online dictionary defines it, patriotism is the "love for or devotion to one's country". The problem is that many corrupt governments throughout the world, including ours here in the United States, are using patriotism to advance their own interests which have negative effects on the world as a whole. In this essay I plan to show how our government has used the patriotism …show more content…

The United States government uses patriotism to combat the guilt most Americans would feel about some of the unjust policies the administration implements. Most Americans strongly support and believe in world liberation and human rights for all throughout the world but they are blinded by the U.S government and the calls for patriotism this government puts out. After the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1947 then United States president Franklin D. Roosevelt signed executive order 9066 which ultimately placed over 120,000 people of Japanese decent in internment camps. No matter that 66% of those people were American citizens and that many Japanese-Americans joined up to fight for America against the Japanese. Roosevelt was able to use the attack as a sign that Americans must sacrifice for their country during a time of national crises. Most Americans supported the move to place Japanese-Americans in internment camps because of the rhetoric used by the U.S government at the time. If you did not support the government and all the actions it took at the time than you were labeled as un-patriotic, which branded you an outcast. …show more content…

Having love and pride for one's nation is never a bad thing. However, when we use patriotism to cause injustice against people of the world or against our own then we cannot stand for it. Being a patriot in the United States means supporting the constitution of the United States to the fullest and not just supporting the administration in charge. People who fight and have fought for equal rights of minorities, the poor, women and gay rights are this nation's true patriots. People who fight against the patriot act are performing the most patriotic of acts. We cannot let our government representatives use patriotism as an excuse to advance the power of the wealthy elite. The statement "our country right or wrong" has no place in our society. Being a patriot in America means being informed of your human and constitutional rights. Americans must understand that being critical of this nation and some of its policies is never a bad thing and should never be seen as unpatriotic. You can call for peace after being attacked and still be patriotic. Our nation has caused much harm and damage to the world and our own people. We cannot sit back and support everything our nation does and has done just because we were attacked by nineteen guys armed with box cutters. We cannot give our government the green light to wreck havoc throughout the world just because we are told by the people in charge

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