Essay About Illegal Immigration

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As a country founded on the many cultures drawn to a promise of a better life, the United States sees immigrants as vital to its expansion. Beginning with the first European settlements in 1607, America has since experienced successive waves of immigration that have risen and fallen over time. Throughout history, immigrants have helped form a distinct and unique political and social culture while providing labor for the growing economy. Immigrants shaped America. In the past, Americans embraced different cultures and assimilated new ideas, yet always maintained a strong sense of loyalty to the principles by which the country was founded on – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Immigration meant more opportunities for innovators, scholars, …show more content…

Today, illegal immigration affects the nation as a whole – population rates skyrocket and economic deficits deepen. As America continues to thrive as a leading country and developing countries continuously suffer, immigration rates rise. People all over the world, in search of a better life, want to come to America. Although many immigrants come to this country lawfully by properly following the steps to become citizens, there are many that reside without documentation. Documented in 2008 by the Center for Immigration Studies, eleven million illegal immigrants lived in America (DeMint, Rector). This should not be tolerated. On January 23, 1996 in the State of the Union Address, former President Bill Clinton stated: “We are still a nation of immigrants; we should be proud of it. We should honor every legal immigrant here, working hard to become a new citizen. But we are also a nation of laws” (1996 State of the Union Address). Illegal immigrants economically and socially take advantage of a nation that has always been willing to accommodate those seeking a better life. This must …show more content…

According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, American citizens have certain responsibilities such as paying taxes, serving on a jury when called upon, and defending the country if the need should arise (Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities). Although not all citizens live up to these responsibilities, undocumented immigrants never do. Instead, illegal immigrants reap the rewards of living in America and depend largely on programs funded by tax-paying citizens. The anonymous author of Why Illegal Immigration is Bad for America, a blog post written in May of 2011, argues that illegal immigrants receive “tens of billions of dollars worth of free education benefits and free health care benefits” (Why Illegal Immigration is Bad for America). Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes and therefore do not help fund the government programs that they take advantage of, causing the United States government’s deficit to increase. Undocumented immigrants merely increase America’s population and weaken the economy. In order for America to function correctly and continue to dominate as a superpower, everyone residing in the country must abide by the basic laws that help maintain strength, growth, and

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