The Boeing Cooperation has many legal, ethic, and social responsibilities that impact their organization. This paper will discuss a few of their responsibilities and how they impact the Boeing Corporation management planning. There are also many factors that impact the Boeing companies strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning. Three of these factors will be analyzed and then discussed with in. With “Boeing being the world largest aerospace company and the largest manufacture of commercial jetliners and military aircraft” (WEC, 2005, CSR wire, ¶ 1), they have many divisions all across the world. Because of this world domination there are many issues that will affect the planning of Boeings’ management team and how the organization is run.
Social Responsibility
Boeing took a big step forward with the announcement relating to the joining of the World Environment Center (WEC), “a global non-profit organization that helps companies around the world implement environmentally sustainable business strategies and operations” (WEC, 2005,CRS wire, ¶ 1). With Boeing recognizing the major challenges facing the eco-system of the planet, aggressive but realistic targets for reducing the impact of Boeings operations and lifecycle of their products on the environment. By implementing the aggressive tactics, Boeing improved by 25 percent with solid waste recycling rate and by 2012 the company will increase energy efficiency by cutting greenhouse gas emissions along with comparable goals for hazardous waste reduction.
Boeing is embedding environmental thoughts and actions in employees by learning from them and enabling them to drive change. This affects the Managements planning by, enforcing new rules of the busi...
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...ardized; services include legal, financial counseling. Boeing Frontiers._Retrieved October 13, 2008 from
Spindler, M. (2008, April 4). Management Planning - Boeing's Future on Track. Articalesbase._Retreived October 13, 2008, from
Squeo, A & Pasztor, A. (2003, May 5). U.S. Probes Whether Boeing Misused a Rival's Documents
At Issue in Investigations: The Hiring Of a Rocket Scientist From Lockheed. National Legal and Policy Center._Retrieved October 13, 2003 from
World Environment Center (2008). Boeing Joins World Environment Center to Advance Global Sustainability Leadership. CSR wire._Retrieved October 13, 2008, from
Bjerga, Alana. Ex-Boeing CFO pleads guilty in tanker deal scandal. November 16, 2004. Seattle Times. Retrieved on December 6th, 2011.
General Accounting Office (GAO) found that inspectors often do not write up violations because they are dismissed and proposed fines are set aside by their superiors. FAA inspectors discovered that contractors painting several ValueJet airplanes improperly reinstalled rudders used to steer the plane. AirTran Airlines had falsified documents, improper maintenance, faulty repairs and repeated failures to supervise contractors. Here is an example of an inspection report for AirTran Airlines:
Breach in individual rights is evident in the case of ex-Lockheed manager Kenneth Branch who unlawfully gained access to “25000 documents containing proprietary technical and cost information of Lockheed”. This concerns Lockheed’s copyright and privacy issue.
BA’s approach towards corporate social responsibility on social is that it has decided to enable up to 500 applicants in a year to realize their dreams through the London 2012 Great Britain program. It is also taking initiatives in helping vulnerable children around the world. On environmental, BA is planning to reduce CO2 emission by 50% by 2050. It is also trying to reduce the noise per flight by 15% by 2015. BA has plans to recycle its waste up to 50 percent by 2010 and aims to send zero waste to landfill by 2010 across Heathrow and Gatwick. Waste management – increase their overall level of recycling to 60% by 2015 (, 2009).
The SWOT process will start by examining the internal strengths of the Boeing Company of today. One of the most dominant strengths possessed by Boeing is its ability to follow the changes in a market that is continually changing. The type of products produced by The Boeing Company demands the use of state of the art technology while maintaining all the proper safe guards for sa...
This paper analyzes the goals and actions of Boeing by analyzing its critical success factors as well as its strategic roadmap.
This case focuses on corporate obstacles to pollution prevention. Pollution prevention can complex especially for large corporations. There are many different forms of pollution prevention including emissions control devices and incremental changes in existing technology. The author reviews the impact of emissions controlled devices, however the focus of the case study is on incremental changes in existing technology. Incremental changes include substituting one or two steps in a production process or relationship changes between production steps. One example of incremental changes that was provided by the author was eliminating chlorofluorocarbons and saving energy by replacing a refrigeration process with a heath exchanger that can exploit waste cooling from another part of the process. There are three critical decision-making stages for incremental changes; identifying a pollution prevention opportunity, finding a solution appropriate to that opportunity, and implementing that solution. The author discusses the three aspects of an organization (culture, ability to process information, and its politics) and how they impact the decision-making stages.
To achieve the above goals and fulfil Boeing’s mission, the following objectives will guide company:
...o, A. (2008), ‘Boeing , Tata Industries Announce India Joint Venture’, Industry Week. Available at: [Accessed 20 March 2011].
Technology Innovation: - Boeing should carefully analyze the market to evaluate the trends in the airline industry and aggressively invest in a new product line (top dog strategy) that could counter Airbus’s A380.
...ember 25). Boeing hails ME investments. Times of Oman [Muscat], p. 1. Retrieved from
It will be advantageous for the company if they can project themselves as responsible corporate citizen and an environment friendly company. Social enrichment schemes, recycling schemes and educational funds can be initiated to cater to this cause and long term goal.
As Boeing’s CEO, Frank Shrontz promised to increase earnings and return on equity. Boeing had a history of making money when its competitors did not, but Mr. Shrontz wanted higher returns. The airline industry was characterized by large cash outflows for R&D and manufacturing and long payback periods over long life cycles for each new airframe design. Companies had to have deep pockets to keep the operation going while waiting for a return on their investments. If Mr. Shrontz could increase the return on equity for Boeing, it would increase the likelihood of Boeing’s continued success well into the future.
Alan Mulally’s development as a leader began at childhood and continued late into his career at Boeing. In an interview with scholars Prasada Kaipa and Mark Kriger (2010), Mr. Mulally attr...
They work towards implementing greener business practices outlined in their Environmental Mission Statement, to help ensure a healthy environment for current and future generations. Their environmental statement acts as a shared philosophy that all members of the company anywhere in the world can adhere to as they carry on with their daily activities. By specifically highlighting a commitment to improving the environment, Bridgestone anticipates a heightened awareness to achieve a more sustainable society. The environmental mission statement identifies three areas of environmental progress – products and services, operations, and community activities – and two core strategies for growth – Total Environmental Advanced Management System (TEAMS) and environmental communication. By outlining these areas and strategies, Bridgestone is able to focus on three objectives: to value natural resources, to reduce CO2 emissions, and to be in harmony with