The Effects of the Blitz on Everyday Life in Britain

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The Effects of the Blitz on Everyday Life in Britain

For the first time in modern days war had literally come home. All

over cites in Europe, as the Nazis advanced, the Luftwaffe spread its

wings and flew only ever intending to cause terror on the land below.

France was taken, now even the far edges of Britain were in reach of

the German bombers. No one was safe, so the government warned people

in cities and implemented certain regulations to make people as safe

as possible and reduce the chance of getting bombed by the Luftwaffe.

Britain was prepared for the worst. But no one was prepared for the

full and devastating effects of The Blitz.

From the beginning of the war a regulation that was imposed across

cities throughout the UK, was The Blackout that was part of the ARP

regulations, which intended to hinder the German bombers in the air.

Houses, businesses and all buildings had to cover their windows so as

to not allow any light to be shown. This caused claustrophobia in the

dark homes but a far worst problem was the fact that there were no

lights in open areas. So there were no streetlights, no crossing

lights and all vehicles travelled with one dimmed light, which was

facing downward. Due to all these safety precautions there was a large

number of people who sustained broken bones from mishaps in the dark

as well as many people who had major injuries caused by serious

traffic accidents. Although once the Germans started using incendiary

bombs The Blackout became far less effective.

The Blitz did not only lower the morale of the British people by

destroying their homes, flattening their streets and separating

families but the effects of the bombing caused major disruption to

everyday life. Civilians who returned to the surface, from the air

raid shelters and underground, after the nightly bombings found heaps

of rubble from the buildings that were hit and smoke which rised from

the fires that burnt through the city. People carried on their daily

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