The Effects of Mercantilism During the 16th to 18th Centuries in Great Britain and America

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Mercantilism during the 16th through 18th century played a major part in the relationship between Britain and the colonists of America. Mercantilism was one of many factors that caused the separation of America and Great Britain. You must first know how mercantilism benefitted both parties in order to understand why the separation took place. Mercantilism is an unfair practice. The main objective of mercantilism was to increase a nation’s wealth by commanding government regulations concerning its commercial interest. Nations that practiced and enforced mercantilism among other countries believed that their strength could be maximized by limiting imports through tariffs and maximizing exports. Concerning the relationship between America and Great Britain, the British were fortunate to be on the beneficiary end of mercantilism. Since they had control over American colonies’ imports and exports, they could increase tariffs if it satisfied them. As a result, they received all the financial benefits including a boost in there economic system. In return, Britain elevated their tariffs on...

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