The Effects Of Suicide On Minority Youth

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Suicide has become a major epidemic in the United States. According to a national study in 2013, every 1 in 25 teens have attempted suicide (Pittman, 2013). Suicide affects all youth, but some groups are at higher risk than others. For example, males are more likely to commit suicide than Females. While it is a problem among all adolescents, sexual minority youth are at a special risk. As of 2010, the Sexuality Information and Information and Education Center of the United States reported that attempted suicide rates for lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth are four times higher than other students (SIECUS, 2010). Every 1 in 8 minority children have attempted suicide (SPRC, 2008). Forty five percent of these suicide attempts …show more content…

To have the opportunity to enter adulthood shows some improvement in the lives of those sexual minority youth who may have once considered suicide as an option. However, these individuals might have some insecurity lying within in them. They are capable of dealing with some long-term effect because of their action when they were young. When a youth attempts suicide, families and peers have to deal with questions such as “could I have prevented this?”, or “what did I do wrong?”. There is no doubt that even when a suicide fails, the experience can still be horrifying and heart-breaking. Youths have to carry the heavy thought that they almost killed themselves, and may need therapy to heal. One commonly used kind of therapy is cognitive therapy. Cognitive intervention is developed for treating suicidal behavior in older adolescents and young adults that provides practitioners with a specified conceptual framework, and a varied set of interventions that can be practically employed by mental health professionals working with this difficult-to-treat population (Henriques, Beck, & Brown, 2003). It consists of 10- intervention session of individual facing their …show more content…

Also, a failed suicide attempt is a traumatic event is a memory they must carry with them forever. When it comes to societal negative effects, it is important to consider that society is only as healthy as the people it is composed of. If this youth has grown up and has continued to be troubled and depressed, they are likely to be less productive in their work. Or perhaps they have dealt with so many problems that they were not able to find a job. That is, if they even can work. Some failed suicide attempts end up causing disabilities, such as the hanging method in which the neck becomes damaged. The individual could end up homeless, and society has to try and take care of them through food stamps, temporary shelter,

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