The Effects Of Stress On The Military

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Being in the military I have experienced many different types of situations that has brought different types of stress. Both good and bad. Not only from the military but just from daily life in general such as school, work, finances, and family. I tend to deal with stress pretty well, but everyone handles stress in their own way. Some people become more irritable, some shut down entirely, and some even turn to alcohol and substance abuse to tolerate the stress. Stress is something all living creatures have in common. “When you face a dangerous situation, your pulse quickens, you breathe faster, your muscles tense, your brain uses more oxygen and increases activity—all functions aimed at survival. In the short term, it can even boost the immune system” (Mayo Clinic, 2015).
Stress is a normal part of everyday life and some cases necessary for survival. Stress is a result of change, it can be a negative or positive change. Stress can be financial, physical, emotional, or physiological. It can include stress from school, work, and family. However, not all stress has to be negative such as competition, the thrill of a roller coaster ride, or even watching a scary film. At some point in time everyone will experience some type of stress, but when that stress becomes chronic it can have negative impacts on the body and its development.
According to Merriam Webster stress is defined as a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work: something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety (2015). It can also be defined as the bran response to any demand. Many things can trigger this response including change. The stress response can be short term or long term, positive or negative. The flight or fight respons...

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...e with stress. Being able to identify the cause of the stress can help manage the stress appropriately. Stress management strategies can include positive self-talk, daily relaxation, exercise, and a healthy diet, fostering healthy friendships and support groups, and getting enough rest.
Stress is a normal part of everyday life and some cases necessary for survival. Stress is a result of change, it can be a negative or positive change. Stress can be financial, physical, emotional, or physiological. It can include stress from school, work, and family. Chronic stress can cause developmental problems in children if they are exposed to it for a long period of time. It can also have devastating effects of the body if the stress is not removed. However, there are ways to cope with stress in healthy ways and finding the best stress management strategy that works is key.

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