Essay On Effects Of Stress On The Human Body

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The Effects of Stress on the Human Body According to the Stress in America Survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, most Americans report feeling “moderate-to-high” stress levels with 44% of adults stating that their stress level has increased in the past 5 years (Stress, 2013). Stress is nearly unavoidable; a few major causes of stress include work, money, and the economy. Producing changes in many body systems, stress, in small amounts, is healthy, but excessive stress, when left untreated, can lead to anxiety and illness like increased heart rate and blood pressure and even altered immune function. Situations, pressures, and ideas that cause stress are called “stressors”. (Stress, 2013). Typically, stressors are thought to be negative, like a long day at work or a seemingly rocky relationship. However, anything that places high demand on a person or forces a person to adjust to a situation or idea can be considered stressful. Included in this are positive events like getting married, buying a new home, going away to college, or receiving a promotion at work. People …show more content…

When in a stressful situation, the human body goes through a process called the stress response that will allow the body to either fight or flee, as mentioned earlier (Stress, 2013). This stress response affects the heart, lungs and circulation. When in immediate danger, the heart rate and blood pressure increase instantaneously (Stress, 2013). Breathing automatically becomes more rapid, allowing the lungs to take in more oxygen. The spleen secretes additional red and white blood cells (Stress, 2013). This allows the blood to transport more oxygen throughout the body than normal. It has been proven that blood flow can increase 300 to 400%, readying the muscles, lungs, and brain for added demands in the stressful situation (Stress,

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