Child Abuse: Literature Review: Effects Of Child Abuse

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Literature Review Effects of Child Abuse One of the most obvious and damaging results of child abuse is death; however, research illustrating the effects on a growing child who has been abused has demonstrated many other lifelong negative factors (Felitti, Anda, Nordenberg, Williamson, Spitz, Edwards, Koss, Marks, 1998). In consonance children who suffer from abuse can show signs of depression, social withdraw, and even violent behavior. As a child grows older, they may suffer from poor physical health, such as high blood pressure, obesity, stress, and psychological disorders and disabilities (Herronkohl, T., Hong, Klika, and Herronkohl, R., 2013). Child abuse and neglect have also been associated with depression, anger disorders, and post-traumatic …show more content…

Understanding the correlation between a child abuse and the possible effects it may have on a growing child is vital. This study suggested that the long-term impacts of child abuse included disease risk factors, adverse quality of life, and mortality. A total of 8,506 participants were utilized ranging from 19-92 years old. Overall, groups were similar in their years of education and gender; however, race was not accounted for evenly. White participants made up about79% of the participant pool while the remainder subjects were of mixed races. The Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACE) was used to measure the participants. Within this study, three categories of abuse were reviewed: psychological, physical, and contact sexual abuse. The ACE questionnaires were mailed out to all participants, and addressed childhood abuse issues while growing up. The questions were derived from several other screening tests. For example, to identify sexual abuse, questions from the Wyatt Test were used. One question read “As a child were you ever raped or sexually molested?” Results from this study revealed a prevalence and risk increase for those who experienced childhood abuse relating to depression, suicide attempts, poor overall health, and obesity. There was also an indication of increase in the use of illicit drugs and …show more content…

A total of 792 participants were assessed and followed through adulthood, which was at age 41. Executive functioning and PTSD was evaluated with various measuring tools and assessments. The data was analyzed and controlled for age, sex, race, and possibilities of depression and alcohol use. The results showed childhood maltreatment and neglect predicted weak executive functioning and non-verbal reasoning abilities in adulthood, but physical and sexual abuse did not. Next, a PTSD history did not moderate these relationships. This study concluded that childhood maltreatment and neglect do have a substantial effect on aspects of executive functioning as children get older and enter their

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