The Effect of Teaching About Discipleship on Everyday Lives of Christians

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The Effect of Teaching About Discipleship on Everyday Lives of Christians

The Gospel today is our source of evidence and advice about

discipleship. Also, it is the only way we can learn to follow Jesus’

footsteps and teachings in our everyday lives. Jesus was the only

person on earth who didn’t commit one single sin and there is no other

way for us Christians to find out about his life except the Gospels.

He is the role model to us Christians because he lived by God’s will.

Being a disciple includes spreading the Good News. Jesus sent his

disciples all over the world to preach the Gospel. In the Mission

(6:6-13), Jesus told his disciples ‘Don’t take anything with you on

your journey except a stick - no bread, no beggar‘s bag, no money in

your pockets.’ He gave them authority over evil, power to heal and to

preach the Gospel. Most Christians today wouldn’t be able to that

because of the way society has changed. I mean, no money, how are they

suppose to survive. But because the disciples had faith in Jesus they

obeyed him throughout the whole entire journey. This could teach

Christians today that one day their faith will be put to the test.

In the Commission (16:114-18) Jesus scolded his disciples because they

lacked faith. He then told them‘ Go throughout the whole world and

preach the Gospel to the whole human race’. Christians should also

speak out and make a stand for the Gospel, and be prepared for the

climax, even if it doesn’t go their way.

An example of someone who has done this is Oscar Romero, he based his

life on the Commission. He spoke out about injustice, the modern day

evil, and was assassinated because of this.

The Greatest Commandment (12:28- 34). Love your God with all your

heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your

strength. Love you neighbour as you love yourself. By doing this

Christians putting their needs last and others first.

In today’s world Christians would do these commandment by doing

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