The Effect Of Sucrose Concentration On The Rate Of Osmosis

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The rate of osmosis for bag 1 was .0036 g/min. The water flowed inside and outside of the bag. Bag 2 had a rate of osmosis of .0321 g/min; the water flowed inside the bag. Bag 3 had a .05 g/min rate of osmosis; the water flowed inside the bag. Bag 4 had a .0921 g/min rate of osmosis; the water flowed inside the bag. Bag 5 was the only bag that the water flowed solitary outside the bag with a -.0807 g/min rate of osmosis. Figure 1, illustrates the increase, constancy, or decrease of the bag’s mass. The general pattern shown in the data was that when the sucrose concentration increases the rate of osmosis increased as well.

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