The Drinking Age Should Be Banned Essay

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Alcohol is a part of most of our lives here in New Zealand. We drink to relax, to celebrate, to commiserate and to be socially active. However, the level of alcohol consumed in society is intoxicating our Kiwi culture. There has been some recent publicity about the impact of local teenagers and their binge drinking. Over the festive season, large sums of these young people have committed offences whilst under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. On assessment, most of these teenagers are found to be drinking or using other drugs in a severely harmful manner, but overwhelmingly they believe that they are non separable from any other teenager, portraying that their use is ‘normal’. Why do they think this? Some of them are associating only with other people who binge heavily and therefore planting the idea that they are within the 'normal' group of users. Some even witness their parents and other adults in their lives binge using. …show more content…

Kids are getting hold of these RTDs and getting totally wasted, probably not realizing the potential of them. The drinking age should be raised back to 20 and anyone under 25 should only be allowed to buy the alcohol equivalent of a 5 per cent six-pack of beers. Some people are of the opinion that teenagers shouldn't drink at all, and so they take a 'zero tolerance' approach (thinking that this means kids won't drink). Others think that "all teenagers drink and there's not much you can do about it" and so take a disinterested and cooled-off approach, believing that absolutely nothing they do or say will make any slight difference. Others still have the idea implemented to think that getting drunk regularly is some sort of 'rite of passage' popularly associated with teenagers, which consequentially encourages active drinking by buying their kids booze to take to

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