The Difference Between Mechanical And Chemical Digestion, And The Digestive System

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Digestion is the process in which food is broken down into smaller molecules, that can thereafter be more simply absorbed by the body, producing energy to build and nurture cells. Cells require a continuous amount of energy and nutrients to assist the body in functioning. There are two types of digestion mechanical and chemical. Mechanical digestion is the process of breaking down large food molecules into smaller parts by physical means, taking place in the mouth and stomach. This process typically being attained by chewing or by the muscles in the digestive tract. Chemical digestion, on the other hand, is the chemical breakdown of food from smaller parts into molecules. Chemical substances such as acid, bile, and digestive enzymes assist in chemical digestion; taking place characteristically in the stomach. Digestion consists of many structures and organs, that work together in order to complete the digestive cycle and absorb the necessary nutrients from food products and excrete waste. Thus,
The alimentary canal, as well as the accessory organs, make up the digestive system. The accessory organs of the digestive system are organs that are concerned in digestion however food molecules do not go through them. The digestive system accessory organs include the salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Ultimately, the digestive tract is essentially a long tube which is continuous with the body’s exterior. It is lined with specialized epithelium which can excrete enzymes and absorb nutrients. Path way of food during the digestive system starts at the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, rectum, and anus leading out of the body. The human body depends on food for maintained, repair, and energy. Failure to ingest a balanced diet may result in organ damage, disease, and possibly death. Thus being a vital part of human

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