The Devastating Effects of Garbage In Our Environment

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Earth is the only planet of its kind. Its unique environment provides us with air and water that are vital for life. It is important that we better protect our environment to secure life for future generations. My essay first will analyze two essays, Heather Roger's, Gone Tomorrow: Hidden Life of Garbage, and Lars Eighner On Dumpster Diving. Both authors pose interesting arguments warranting solutions to our excessive waste. This essay supports Rogers’s position over Eighners position. I agree with Roger’s solution holding Corporate America and large companies accountable for the excessive waste from mass production. Although I agree with Rogers, my argument requires companies to create products and packaging that are echo-friendly and biodegradable. If products and packaging were biodegradable recycling would then be efficient and effective.
Heather Roger's essay Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage published in 2005 offers a compelling outlook on society’s excessive and uneconomical mass-production of goods (585). Roger argues against unnecessary production of materials. Rogers paints a vivid picture of waste, how it is collected, processed, and discarded (Roger 585). From your kitchen, to the curb, into collection trucks, and to the processing unit, where they separate, recycle, burn, compact, and deposit the garbage in our Earth (Roger 585). Roger states “… Dumps are composed of a series of earth covered cells” (Rogers 586). Landfills have used “Cells” to burry trash for decades and today’s cells are lined with a special material preventing the trash from leaking into the ground (Roger 586). A cell can be up to 100 acres across and up to hundred feet deep (586). It takes years to fill a cell and after the cell is full...

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...uring law. We need better laws protecting our environment from large corporations that are making a lot of money, and not paying for the damages they have done. I will argue the need for companies to reduce, reuse and pay hefty fines and taxes to help give back to our environment.
In conclusion my argument goes beyond consumers and mass production. I have argued that trash itself is the issue. 100% Biodegradable packaging and echo-friendly products would change waste management forever. We need to hold the big guy: Corporations responsible for change. Large companies need to start paying for their past pollution. True change requires new

Works Cited

Rosa, Alfred and Paul Eschholz. Models for writers: Short Essays for Composition.
Heather Roger, Gone Tomorrow: Hidden Life of Garbage, and Lars Eighner On Dumpster Diving. 10th Edition Boston: Bedford/ St.Martin

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