The Definition Of Freedom In The United States

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The history and meaning behind the word "freedom" has been a topic of controversy. There are many different perspective of what freedom truly means and what influences it has on the nation we lived in. According to the Oxford Dictionary the word freedom means "The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint." To me, the word freedom is being able to act and express anyway without causing harm.. Many questions have been asked about whether we are truly free of being restraint or if everything is control by higher authority who swear to protect us. Some believe that we are not free, that nothing happens freely, and that nothing happens by chance. We have this constitution describing our freedom but the …show more content…

The King of England imposed laws and taxes that the people of America saw as unlawful. The suppression forced upon the people were taking their freedom away. However change soon occurred, the men and women of America revolted against England and they were able to gain freedom from Britain. How were they able to gain freedom? Was this change of power determine by fate, did this all happen by chance or did people have a choice? In my opinion, if humans were not free and everything was predetermined then the country of the United States of America would not exist today, we would have continued on living under the England and its constraining laws. The laws set by the King of England would have stood forever without change. The people would be unable to freely change their views and revolt they would have lived the inevitable result of past …show more content…

When a citizen of the United States finds a terrifying truth about the government and spread news about it to the citizen of the United States. The government would use all their resources to silence these individual. For an example Mumia Abu-Jamal was a radio journalist who spoke about corruption in the police force and politics. In 1981 Mumia Abu-Jamal was arrested and charged for murder to police officer Daniel Faulkner. The police had no evidence that Mumia Abu-Jamal had murder the police officer but yet they still arrested him. Before Mumia Abu-Jamal went to court, the judge and jury of the state already had the verdict of guilty on their minds. This shows that the freedom of speech is not truly free at all. If the United State is truly the "land of the free" why is the government silencing those who speak the truth about

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