The Day I Run Creative Writing

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The sun began to rise as I stepped onto a straight, wide road that needed repaving. I wasn't really sure why I was walking on it or where I was going. All I knew was I had gotten up this morning and decided to go for a run. My usual morning run started out normally. I was jamming out to my playlist as thoughts raced through my mind about how the day would play out, and then I felt this urge to change the direction I was going. I completely stopped. I could have continued on my normal path, and make it home in time to shower, or I could venture out and explore the unknown. I contemplated both ideas, weighing the pros and cons, and with some doubts, I went down a new road. I found myself running for some time before I couldn’t tell which direction …show more content…

I was now still running when something shiny caught my attention. I bent over to get a closer look as a roly poly crawled over the object. I jumped back and started laughing at myself because a little crustacean had startled me. I bent down once again to find a shiny, golden skeleton key glistening in the morning light. It was slightly warm from the heat and it was relatively light weight. I unzipped the pocket of my jacket, put the key in it, and zipped it up as I continued on my run. The sun was now directly in my eyes, so I couldn’t see out in front of me. My feet stumbled upon a box. I picked it up to find it was a medium sized wooden box. It had light brown wood and a flower pattern on the lid. It didn’t weigh too much, but when I shook it there was noise. I took the key out of my pocket and proceeded to unlock the box. There was nothing inside, but I could feel something in there, something special. Since I didn’t have a bag or anything of that sort, I regretfully had to leave it. I love how the universe has its way of giving you exactly what you need at the right time, whether it be a new person, a job opportunity, or in my case,

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