The Dark Triad Summary

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The author conveys that dark triad exists in almost every professional organizations. The dark triad consists of a mixture of three different personality disorders: psychopathic tendencies, Machiavellian cunning and narcissistic selfishness. He believes that most workers are unaware of these dysfunctional characteristics, let alone possess enough skills to accordingly deal with them. He highlights that dark triad abounds and continues to increase due to the fact that their behavior traits are often rewarded as long as they can hide their most negative ones; and the fact that most of them are motivated by achieving the ladder of success in detriment of others. New research and data are now available to prove the dark triad theory. Some signs and symptoms they often display are: the need to exploit and trick others for self-advancement. They have used lies and deception to obtain their desires, they have secretly integrated among others to learn how to manipulate others for selfish reasons. They have little interest their behavior is considered ethical …show more content…

The only fictional data presented is, he reported to a group of BBC executives that research showed that 28 percent of television producers had full blown psychopathic personality disorders, 34 percent are diagnosed with psychopathic tendencies, whereas 85 percent producers agreed to sexual infidelity as long their partners are unware of it. He stated that only a few recognized the data as fictional and believed that if a research was to be conducted the results would have been the same. The author also vaguely mentions research suggestions without any actual participants. Furthermore, the author employed fictional characters from the movies Wall Street and The Office to highlight the examples of known triads as opposed to using actual people in past or current

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