The Daily Show And The Colbert Report

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Reaching millions of viewers nationally, late-night entertainment shows such as Saturday Night Live and most notably Comedy Central’s The Daily Show and The Colbert Report have perpetuated nuanced falsehoods and biases in politics through the use of satire and political parodies. Sometimes referred to as soft news, late night shows have garnered a journalist reputation that often blurs the line between information and entertainment (Miss-Brown, n.p.). With the evident rise in news viewership in U.S. society—an 55% increase to 4.8 million views in three major news channels (CNN, Fox News, and MNBC) from 2007 to 2016—more political uneducated individual, especially younger individuals, have become invested in contemporary politics (Matsa, n.p.; …show more content…

72). Although these reports may seem generally positive, we can observe that the reliance on political news in satirical entertainment shows can spread a pragmatic interpretation of complex and more involved issues. According to Josh Compton in his article “Surveying Scholarship on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report”, “… television programs influence viewers’’ evaluations on political candidates, viewers’ perceptions on certain institutions, their interests in campaigns and their support for specific policies.” (Amarasingam, p. 9). Though late-night entertainment shows such as aforementioned Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report, shows aim to inform viewers of current political matter, their main agenda aims to boost ratings and gain popular attention through comical means that serve to slander opposition parties in order to favor a popular …show more content…

From these shows we can observe a similar trend of political slander and biased opinionated statements. According to “Making Sense of The Daily Show”, “…political comedy programs such as The Daily Show promote a ‘culture of cynicism’ by routinely lambasting prominent political figures”. Consequently, popular attitudes towards the political system has suffered (Xenos, p. 48). The Daily Show hosted by the now retired John Stewart was a major proponent in the slandering directed at conservative, moderate, and libertarian political opponents. Much of Stewart’s views are of a leftist and often times go regions like Christianity (Baehr, p. 2). During his time as host of The Daily Show, Stewart would often ridicule topics of interest in current politics in order to make fun of opposing views. Additionally, Stewart would include clips in his segments on such political issues and criticize the ideas expressed within them. Although comical and satisfying for liberals and left-wing audiences, these satirical criticisms often lack background and sometime referred to out of context (3). Without correct context and accurate background information John Stewart tend to simplify stories for audiences and through partisan stereotypes (Xenos, p. 53). Consequently, viewers are limited in their knowledge and unknowingly agree with

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