The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime Analysis

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Imagine yourself living in Swindon, England. Your mother is dead and your father is always working as self-employed, heating and repair maintenance man. As an autistic kid things are always hard to do. Strangers are dangerous, so you have to keep your razor sharp Swiss Army knife close for protection In The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon, the author portrays Christopher, a fifteen-year-old autistic son and his family to show different qualities between “abnormal” and “normal” relationships amongst family, lying leading to distrust in the father-son relationship, the cause of lies and social interactions with strangers.
Lying to an Autistic Child: Ed Boone, a single father of one, takes care of fifteen-year-old autistic son. Ed portrays “abnormal” and “normal” characteristics. Ed lies in order to protect Christopher from knowing the harsh truth. True , their father and son relationship is foundation based on truth, trust, and loyalty. First, Ed lies about Christopher mother’s death, Judy is not dead instead she left her family with Mr. Shears (having affairs with him) to London. In research, it shows that children tend to get ”detrimental impact of …show more content…

As the police approaches to interrogate Christopher, who is standing next to Wellington’s murder scene. The police assume Christopher committed the crime and ask him vagarious questions. Christopher could not comprehend information since he was very sensitive with scolding, negative tones, Christopher cupped his hands around his ears, “students with autism do not learn how to interact socially” (Rovira 8,) it shows how Christopher could not tell the policemen to slow town or stop talking instead he punches the policemen in the face. Officers are trained to deal with autistic people and behaviors. (PBS

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