The Crusades: The Importance Of Christianity During The Middle Ages

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The crusades proved the importance of Christianity during the Middle Ages. We saw people willing to fight for their Christian beliefs and how much of a powerhouse the church had over most parts of Europe at the time. Christians wanted to recapture Jerusalem, the Holy Land, from the Muslims. I believe because of all the fighting in Europe, the Middle Ages had deep foundations in war and violence. We later hear about the 100 years war with France and Great Britain, or the battle of Hastings, and you can start to see the answer to everything back then was to go to battle. Going to battle under, and for the Christian church was the reason so many people joined the crusades, besides all of the promises the pope gave as well. Because of the crusades, we can also see the Middle Ages heavily involving trade and commerce with other traders. Crusade and Muslim fighters bought things and new ideas and goods were shared through the years. There were more advanced empires who had products Crusaders wanted and traded for, so the Middle Ages started to find trade as a new norm. …show more content…

While reading Beowulf, an epic poem written during medieval times, it was revealed to me that during the Anglo-Saxon time period, bravery, strength, and heroism were what was honorable and desired by all man. In the story, we see Beowulf had defeated Grendel by cutting off his arm, the only person to ever have enough courage to do so. I also think about the way people became literate through reading stories like this, but also reading the Bible. People could not only read, but be knowledgeable in their religion and spread their beliefs and teachings on to many other people. Literature had the power to be passed down from generations and had the power to be understood by all people, who at that time, knew Latin or were learning

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