Anxiety And Anxiety Essay

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Anxiety is a most dangerous medical problem and some experts believe an anxiety epidemic is crippling an entire generation. Unfortunately, this epidemic is causing too many people to turn to illicit drug use. Thankfully, drug rehab centers have become experts at treating this co-occurring disorders. Understanding the complex interaction between drug use and anxiety and how both are treated can help you recover from these troubling problems.
The Connection Between Anxiety and Substance Abuse Statistics indicate that about 20 percent of all Americans with some form of anxiety disorder abuse drugs of some kind, whether alcohol or harder substances. As a result, the two often walk hand-in-hand with each other for years. Common anxiety problems …show more content…

Unfortunately, this can create a nasty loop that only exasperates the symptoms of both anxiety and drug abuse. For example, let 's say someone has one drink before bed as a “nightcap” to help them sleep. While one drink isn 't necessarily harmful, that one drink slowly turns into several just before bed. This increases creates even more stress in their life as they increasingly turn to drinking to calm their nerves.
Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder Unfortunately, even people who don 't have anxiety disorders often suffer from severe anxiety after becoming addicted. This is called “substance-induced anxiety” and is commonly associated with substance abuse and drug withdrawal. Essentially, the idea of suffering through the painful effects of drug withdrawal (nausea, vomiting, confusion, paranoid, headaches, etc.) creates a state of fear and anxiety, which makes it nearly impossible to quit. Substance-induced anxiety is also associated with the effects of drugs on the body and mind: people that suffer from this anxiety believe that their drug use can be “noticed” by others. This makes them concerned about the way they are perceived and accepted by

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