The Church Of Satanism

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The Church of Satan is founded on the philosophy of LaVeyan Satanism. History: Anton LaVey founded the Church in the Black House in San Francisco 1966. The Black House served as the headquarters. In 1969, LaVey published the Satanic Bible, establishing the fundamentals of LaVeyan Satanism. This work is the dominant piece of Satanic literature. The Church was widely covered in the media in the 1970s and 1980s. Documentaries, television and radio news, and magazines. The Church has their own magazine brand, The Black Fame. In the 1970s Anton LaVey grew distant from the media. His daughter, Zeena acted as the spokesperson of the Church, particularly during the "Satanic Panic," when there was many accusations of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Folks claimed Satanist (other Satanist included) abused people physically and sexually in rituals, especially children. Anton LaVey was high priest from 1966 till his death in 1997. His daughter, Karla LaVey created the First Satanic Church in 1999, because after her father's death she realized the Church had become excessively materialistic and considered ...

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