The Causes of the Soviet Union's Collapse

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The Causes of the Soviet Union's Collapse

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union a great deal of debate has ensued as to what caused the Soviet empire's demise both within the former Soviet Union and amongst scholars worldwide. Various theories have been published amongst scholars attempting to explain and pinpoint the flaws in the Soviet system and the forces that drove the Soviet Union to a brisk and catastrophic collapse. Economic weakness is commonly argued to be the cause of the collapse but others argue that political decisions made by Gorbachev and his supporters should bear most of the blame for the collapse. Another subset of scholars argue that the diverse ethnic composition of the Soviet empire lead to divided loyalties amongst the Soviet satellite states and created fatal fault lines within the empire that Soviet leaders simply underestimated. Others have put forth the theory that the moral consensus amongst the elite class favouring the communist system broke down and lead to a complete Soviet Collapse. The collapse of the Soviet empire is one the most dramatic and consequential historical events to transpire in the last 30 years. Understanding the collapse of the Soviet Union can contribute to our understanding of how the complex interplay between empire, economics, politics, ethnicity, morality can shape and drive historical events.

The most widely known theory for the Soviet empire's demise claims that the economic collapse experienced by the Soviet Union was the central cause of the Soviet empire's collapse. Alexander Dallin and his wife and co-author Gail W. Lapidus are two prominent proponents of this theory. Dallin was born in Russia in 1924 and eventually settled in the United States after his fami...

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Aron, Leon. "Everything You Know about the Collapse of the Soviet Union is Wrong."Foreign Policy, no. 187 (2011): 64-70. (accessed June 4, 2014).

Birgerson, Susanne Michelle. "Empires and the Case of the Soviet Union." After the Breakup of a Multi-Ethnic Empire: Russia, Successor States, and Eurasian Security. Westport: Praeger Publishers, 2002. 16-44.

Dallin, Alexander, and Gail W. Lapidus. The Soviet System: From Crisis to Collapse. Revised Edition ed. Colorado: Westview Press, 1995.

Suraska, Wisla. How the Soviet Union Disappeared: An Essay on the Causes of Dissolution. Durham: Duke University Press, 1998.

Sternthal, Susanne. Gorbachev’s Reforms: De-Stalinization through Demilitarization. Westport: Praeger Publisher, 1997.

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