The Causes Of The American Revolution

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The phrase “American Revolution” is very well known to every single citizen and or to a person who is familiar with American’s history. Colonies bound together with the parent country by traditional customs and language. The American Revolution was the driving force that took place all over the world building renewed societies. It was more than a political parting of the thirteen colonies from Britain; it was the declaration of a new state and a new country. The American Revolution was an evolutionary event. It was the change from submissive status to freedom. the colonists were no longer in need of British command. However, British needed the colonists' riches. The Revolution began following a series of attempts to regime American colonies. …show more content…

While the revolution started in April of 1775 a series of initial successes showed that the struggle was worth it. Colonists administration appointed George Washington as head of the American Revolutionary Army a major factor in the ultimate success of creating the United States of America. Recounting the early victories and later downturns along with the aid of the French Army and Navy. In the beginning, both the British and the American colonists faced many difficulties. Both were in difficult position as Americans lack experienced soldiers and supplies. While British Asif 2 underestimated the vastness of the North American land, as they had to transport men and supplies most importantly, they did not have any idea how integrated Americans were to win their liberty. The American Revolution happened because British chose not to allow the American colonies to represent in the British Parliament. Although, there were many others factors some better known than others. Economics and politics both played a significant role for particular reasons. Though these two reasons justified America by separating from the country that helped them get established. Politically, British believed they needed to dominate America. They installed numerous

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