The Causes Of Hate Crimes

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Hate crimes can be easily defined as the act of assault to a victim due to their race, gender, and sexual orientation. Hate crimes have always been an extensive problem in our society; The government, especially when people believed that everyone was not equal, allowed the defacing of these groups. Although the government passed laws to make everyone equal, some people still discriminate against these groups. To make it easier to understand, hate crimes can be related to a story. This story consisted of a pie-eating person and a cake-eating person. The pie-eating person was happily eating a piece of pie. When all of a sudden, the cake-eating person came along. The cake-eating person immediately started to yell and offend the pie-eating person …show more content…

Considering the pie-eating person cannot help what he likes, some people could say the cake-eating person was overreacting and just needed to turn the other cheek. If the cake-eating person would have just ignored the pie-eating person, everybody would have been a lot happier. Nevertheless, the cake-eating person, not only upset others but is getting all worked-up over something that does not affect him. This is like most hate crimes today. Some causes of hate crimes could be the fact that some people do not understand what the victims are doing, why are doing it, or their ignorance gets in the way. The effects of hate crimes can be a lot more than the causes. Some people do not get why they do something, however, everything they do can affect another individual greatly.The most common effects of hate crime are physical abuse, emotional damage, and costly property …show more content…

We all know someone who has either gotten their personal belongings damaged or somebody who did the damaging. No matter the location, people can use graffiti or even random objects used to smash things to destroy another individual 's possessions. Although this is highly illegal, it can still be done. Many vandalizers pick these acts to humiliate the victim. The vandalizers may be seeking attention, which is why they do these risky things. Vandalism can be prevented at a costly price, but can only cover inside the house. This can lead to fear or feeling unsafe. The continual feeling of fear may leave the victim with anxiety. You cannot prevent everything, so there will be times the victims will have to repair their damaged

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