The Case Of 12 Angry Men In 12 Angry Men

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The 12 men in the movie 12 Angry Men, a jury, are deciding upon a case of murder in the first degree. The suspect in custody is an 18-year-old accused of stabbing his father. In this court system, premeditated murder is the most serious crime charged. If the jurors decide that the 18-year-old is guilty of murder than he will be sent to the electric chair and there is no other form of punishment. The men are very reluctant to hear this case because they feel it is very dull and that they can predict the outcome of the case. Alongside that, this trial is on the hottest day of the year with no A/C and no fan, which can account for some of the men’s guilty vote for they want to get out of the room. One of the jurors, number 7 has baseball game tickets to the 8 o’clock Yankees game and has a continuous guilty vote. Some of the other jurors feel that because of the baseball game tickets clouding his thoughts he is going to continue voting guilty. A decision was made to see what everyone is thinking on the case, so a hand vote was taken and the results are still 11 guilty and 1 not guilty. The 11 jurors that voted guilty want to know what is going through the head of juror number 8, who voted not guilty. They would like him to …show more content…

The climax was very strong and was easily pointed out. Although I may not have known the characters, their careers show that they were well known. The storyline/plot was easy to follow in some points, but in others, it left the viewer wondering why that detail was important. This movie is very detailed for a black and white film. Details for this movie were depicted in the words of the characters. Though the movie has ended and there are newer versions, it has left me wanting so much more. One of the main details is that in regarding names. I understand that in juries, knowing the names of the other jurors is not why they are there, but it makes things a bit easier in depicting who is

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