The Breakfast Club Belonging Essay

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The definition of belonging is shaped by various factors. Personal, Cultural, historical and social influences can determine in which way the theme is related to. It is associated with the depression as well as issues that are current. The two text types that i have analysed to further explore belonging is the novel “To Kill A Mocking Bird” and the film “The Breakfast Club”. I will further establish the techniques including foreshadowing, stereotypes, emotive language and metaphor that have built the theme.

The novel To Kill A MockingBird is primarily based on the problems associated with prejudice and cultural bias during the 30’s. These themes that are explored by Harper Lee allow’s a greater approach to referencing belonging and most of …show more content…

It follows 5 stereotypical high school students where they are all reported for a Saturday detention and given an essay based around a thesis question of “Who you think you are?”. The type of belonging that is being in the majority represented is idealism within society. A strong example is in the opening sequence where Andy Clarke the athlete says “.. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal… That’s the way we saw each other…”. The technique that has been utilised, foreshadowing creates an early introduction to the theme of stereotypes, also morals. It generates the character's initial impressions of each other and hints to the audience that within the film these have been modified due to upcoming events that have procreated some sort of moral amongst the characters. The tone created produces luring responses of the audience you want to know why and what has happened to change the relationships. Another example where belonging is found is where Andy Clarke once again goes on about how he feels the constant need to impress his father and coach. “I’m here today…because… my coach and my father don’t want me to blow my ride… coach thinks i’m a winner, so does my old man” This speech uses emotive language to enhance the metaphor of how trying to constantly impress someone can be detrimental. This new perspective of “The athlete” shows how significant labels are. Idealism

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