The Breadwinner By Deborah Ellis Sparknotes

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In The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis, Parvana is living the typical life of an eleven-year-old. But everything changes when the Taliban invade her hometown of Kabul, forcing her family to change drastically. And when her father is arrested, Parvana has to become the “breadwinner” in her family by taking more leadership and making the money for her family. Before her father was taken away, Parvana’s life was no different than any other Afghan girl. She went to the market with her father and fetched water for her family. She grumbled about having to do her chores and squabbled with her sister. But then her father was taken away, and it left her family in a very fragile condition. Since her father is gone, her family turns to her to support the family. Parvana has to become the “breadwinner” in her family because her father is gone. First, they cut her hair and disguise her as a boy. This is very dangerous because if she was caught, she would be put in jail. Then she goes to the market and works for her family. She knows that she has to do this because there is no one else in her family that can, and her family is desperate. …show more content…

For example, when she starts digging bones as a way to make more money. The old Parvana wouldn’t have had the courage to do this. She also shows courage when she goes to the coliseum to sell off her tray and discovers they are killing people, not playing a soccer game. Instead of being frightened by it, she stays calm and quickly covers her friend’s mouth to keep her from screaming. She uses the story her father told her to help her persevere through tough situations. “Malali wouldn't be afraid, Parvana knew… Malali would lick her lips at such a challenge.”

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