The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind Essay

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William Kamkwamba is a very unique person with a more incredible story. William’s personality is the type that makes him persevere through the tough times in Malawi, which is a village located in Africa. William is also the type to work for what he wants. During the story, “ The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind “, William shows several times that if he wants something badly enough, he will be determined to get it. One last trait that William has is that he never wants to give up. The fact that he never wants to give up makes him determined to persevere through the tough times in Africa. William has three very important personality traits which helped him be in the position he is in today as a successful man, instead of being like most of the …show more content…

First one, would be his perseverance attitude. Even though life in Malawi was very difficult with many setbacks, William still found a way to survive and get through those hard times by making the best of them and doing what he enjoyed. Which was building and creating new this with his friends. Another time in the story when William shows perseverance is when William is told many times by people in his village and that he is wasting his time trying to build this windmill. “At first I’d tried to explain the windmill, but they just laughed and said, “ Iwe, you’re wasting your time. This junk is good for nothing (Kamkwamba,188).” William didn’t let the people of his town get the best of him, by choosing to continue doing what he loved which is creating new things. Throughout the story, William shows a lot of perseverance which helped him be the successful man he is …show more content…

He’s determination is shown in the story when he becomes unable to go to school anymore because his family is cannot pay the school dues. Instead of being doing nothing, William started going to the library everyday and reading books because he was determined to learn. “ But because my family still couldn’t afford my school fees, I was forced to stay home doing nothing (Kamkwamba,160).” At the library William found the same textbooks that his friends were using at school. “ I left that afternoon with books on geography, social studies, and basic spelling--the same textbooks my friends were studying in school. It was the end of the term, and my hope was to get caught up before classes started again (Kamkwamba,161).” These quotes show that William was determined to keep up his education, so he would be ready for school when it started again. His determination his showed very strongly throughout the book, especially about his schooling. William had the determination to learn so he went to great strengths to keep up his education that he

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