The Book Thief Language Analysis

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Words are used in many different forms. Whether one realizes it or not, no matter what the form is, language influences everyone. It is a tool that can change one’s life for good and for bad. The novel The Book Thief by Markus Zusak uses language as a method to accurately depict the immense power that words possess. This is evident when words are used out of anger, to distract from issues and in times when words save lives. The power of words is accurately displayed in the novel during situations where they are used out of anger. This is illustrated when the author suggests that Liesel is angry at the Fuhrer because he took her mother for being a communist. Furious at this idea, she feels a “slush of anger, stirring in her stomach” (Zusak 115). This causes her to say, “I hate [the Fuhrer],” (115). Due to this, Papa “[slaps] Liesel Meminger squarely in the face,” (116). However, there are more possible consequences for her harsh words. Just that one sentence has the power to have Liesel taken away, along with her whole foster family. Therefore, this proves that even a few words have the potential to create a huge dilemma, especially when said out of rage. Similarly, this is evident when Liesel finds out that the Mayor will no longer be a customer for Mama. After losing their last customer, “the glittering anger was thick and unnerving” within Liesel (262). Upon finding this out from Ilsa …show more content…

Words are seen as powerful when they lead to negative consequences after being used out of rage. Similarly, the novel uses language as an effective technique to distract characters from calamities that are taking place. Finally, words are depicted as a great saviour for several characters within the novel. Through these aspects, the author accurately shows that language is a tool that has a great ability to manipulate a situation, no matter for good or for

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