The Importance Of Evil In Night By Ellie Wiesel

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In the memoir Night by Ellie Wiesel, humanity is threatened only for a limited time. Humanity is threatened only when evil triumphs over good. In Night, the Nazis did, in fact, defeat good for a little while, but only to fall to the never-dieing purity of the light side. Evil triumphed in every event, from the successful caputure to the killing of many servers of the good side, but lost in the end to good side with a finale like the 2007 NFL season. The first time good was truly defeated and humanity was threatened was when the Nazi soldiers finished rounding up the Jews of Sighet and got them to the concentration camps. Good was defeated by the evil forces because evil took servers of the good. All of them in Nazi Germany. Therefore, when …show more content…

Like the 2007 New York Giants, just barely staying alive with a glitter of hope, survived beaten and battered in the Final Battle, AKA Super Bowl XLII, good had won out thanks to a David Tyree-like scenario. Barely finding the camp and then somehow dominating a battle. “The resistance movement decided at that point to act. Armed men appeared from everywhere. Bursts of gunshots. Grenades exploding. We, the children, remained flat on the floor of the block.” (Night 115). This quote tells that like Super Bowl XLII, good had finally triumphed over the reigning champions of evil and struck back with a force like a helmet catch. At the end of Night, “the first American tank stood at the gates of Buchenwald.”(Night 115), good had sent one last feeble attempt in some men and a tank, and had actually won out. Shocking Hitler, or Bill Belichick in metophorical terms, and ending his undefeated season, AKA Holocaust for Adolf Hitler, good sent it’s last resort, it’s final men, and barely pulled it off. It was a dogfight throughout, after loss and loss against the forces of evil, good pulled off something equal to the infamous Helmet Catch and freed the Jews after years, or 4 quarters, of hard-fought battle. Therefore, humanity wasn’t threatened no more thanks to the forces of good, and evil had it’s undefeated season end abruptly in a crushing

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