The Blitz By Bowen Summary

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Bowen does an excellent job at making this story sound very much like a ghost story, and she does this by adding elements that make it seem like the ghost of her old fiance is haunting her. She also incorporates the effects that make it seem like there is somebody in the house with her. She also introduces the effects of a ghost story by explaining how the house is broken down and falling apart as she is in it looking for something. Bowen made this story seem like a ghost story even though it isn’t, she has done this by making the setting and the tone of the story seem dark and mysterious even when it is in between 6 and 7 p.m. in August. The setting of the story is in London in 1940, and the importance of this is that this period of time is during the blitz. The blitz is the time when Germany dropped bombs on the United Kingdom. Which damaged or destroyed most of the houses in the area of the bombing, creating a dark and depressing setting and tone. This is so because after the bombing happened nobody wanted to live in that area anymore, so they …show more content…

And as she was thinking of how to get to a taxi the stale air suddenly was disrupted by a draft from an open door or window from down stairs. So she started to run down the wet road to get to a taxi so she could go home. And she got to town where there should be and is a taxi waiting, so she got in and it took off and she had realized she had not told him where to go. So she decided to scratch the glass, and when she did the driver almost slammed the brakes almost to a stop. He opened the glass window and this jolted Mrs. Drovers head forward almost hitting the glass, and their faces weren’t but 6 inches apart, her mouth was opened for a few seconds before she screamed. She was beating on the glass as the taxi accelerated without mercy, into the hinterland of deserted streets. And we can all assume that the driver was her old

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