The Birds Film Techniques

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The Birds is a thriller/horror movie that took place in 1963. Melanie Daniels is a semi rich and always gets what she wants. Mitch and to not get attacked by the birds. These birds become so vicious and wild that they begin to take over people’s everyday life. One day when Melanie and Mitch are in a restaurant the birds begin to attack people outside the restaurant. Melanie steps out to the phone booth to take an important call and causes unhappy birds to surround her waiting for her to exit. Mitch comes to save her and Lydia is so upset and blames Melanie for all the chaos that is occurring. When Melanie and Mitch return to Annie's house they discover that she has been killed by the crows while guiding Cathy to safety. With all the commotion that is taking place Melanie and the Brenner family decide to block themselves from the birds by staying inside. Their plan backfires when the birds enter Cathy’s room and attack This film camera angles were so horrible that it is clear to see how unrealistic this movie was. The scene with Melanie with the children and they get attack by the birds had to be the most unrealistic scene throughout the whole movie. The camera angles were so horrible that it made the scenes look over dramatic and so fake. The movies lighting also was horrible and the plot line of the movie was just as horrible. According to rotten tomatoes this film the birds was Alfred Hitchcock success that turned birds into some of the most terrifying villains in horror history. The Guardian titles this film my favorite Hitchcock: the birds. Well according to the Guardian the film provides no answer and no escape. The film leaves us confused with multiple questions. A common question that a person may have after watching this movie would be, what made the birds want to attack human beings in the first place? Another question would be why would birds even attack

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