The Big Short Summary By Adam Mckay

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The film The Big Short by Adam McKay is about the financial crisis of 2008 due to the housing bubble in the United States. The film tries to explain financial institutions while telling the stories of people who made money realizing that there was a problem with the system. The narrative of the story is full of greed and ignorance, but also full of guilt and emotions. Furthermore, the movie keeps breaking the fourth wall to explain terms directly to the audience. For instance, Margot Robbie in the bubble bath, Anthony Bourdain in his kitchen, and Selena Gomez in a casino explaining subprime mortgages and synthetic CDOs is what makes the narrative depart from classical Hollywood narrative form. Although the movie opens with a quote from Mark Twain, the next scene where Ryan Gosling is explaining the revolution in bond trading by Lewis Ranieri, with a mustard stain on his shirt, is what can be considered an exposition to the movie. Lewis Ranieri’s introduction to mortgage-backed securities in the 1970s, while ensuring their low risk and triple-A rating by humorously backing it with “who …show more content…

He becomes angry when another person wants to get in his cab, fights with the guy, and keeps repeating the line “I love my job, I love my job.” It is visible that deep down, Mark is troubled. He feels guilt for not being able to and not trying to do anything for both his brother’s suicide and the market crash. His wife reminds him that he is just a banker, and that’s just life. These incidents help the audience to digest what Mark set in motion; what some might say is his betting, while others may think it is his

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