The Biblical Model of Education

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Strategy Applications The Biblical model for education is first found within the context of the family, of which is articulated within Deuteronomy 6:1-25. The church however, coinciding with the missional objective of the Christian family, must assist in ways to recapture and reinforce education through the family. This can be achieved through the learning process when there is as emphasis on affective learning, rather than the more prevalent bent towards cognitive processes (Eldridge, 1995). Therefore, the task of the church is to overcome the prevailing influence of the world which is destroying lives and families at a drastic pace. Eldridge shares that the church through its teaching through Christian education must provide opportunities for relational processes in a context where the content of curriculum may be caught as well as taught, so that authentic learning can occur (1995). Within our church, we believe the best way to conduct education is through the confines of small group in which sermon based curriculum is develop. Research suggest that people drop out, fail to go consistently, or fail to grow in a church have discovered that the first few months are a critical time period for that reason, it is important that a strong bond be between an individual and others in the church at this time. 80 to 90 percent of individuals who join a church become inactive during the first six months because no relational bond was established. Therefore, it is important that as a church we implement practical methodologies for grounding a person in the discipleship process. People who become members of small groups develop meaningful relationships, which result in strong bonds with the local church. This is what we ultimately w... ... middle of paper ... ...elical curriculum development. Religious Education, 75, 539-545. Eldridge, Daryl. (1995). The teaching ministry of the church: Integrating biblical truth with contemporary application. Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman & Holman. Icenogle, G. W. (1994). Biblical foundations for small group ministry: An integrative approach. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press. Lewis, L., Cram, R. H., & Lee, J. M. (1997). Curriculum and multicultural religious education. In Multicultural religious education (pp. 323–391). Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press Reck, S. (2012). Analyzing and evaluating christian religious education curriculs. Christian Education Journal, 9(1), 27-42. Retrieved April 17, 2014, from Ebscohost Web site:

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