The Bible Act V: The Written Word

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In the video, Act V: The Written Word, many kings and prophets are mentioned. One of the kings mentioned is Jehoiakim. Jehoiakim ruled from 608-598 B.C. (Achtemeier, 490) and during his rule, he and his people “retrogressed, once again, to worshiping idols” (Who Wrote the Bible Act V: The Written Word). This went against the bible and the beliefs of Yawhew’s people. Jeramiah, a prophet during Jehoiakim’s rule, warned that “because your ancestors have forsaken me…and have gone after other gods and have served them and worshiped them…Therefore I will hurl you out of this land into a land that neither you nor your ancestors have known” (Jeremiah 16:11-13). Jeremiah was warning Jehoiakim that if he and the people continued to worship other gods,

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