The Benefits Of Pickles

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Pickling Cleopatra ate them because she believed that they contributed to her good looks (Rose 1). Christopher Columbus brought them to the New World by ship (Crazy Facts 2). Aristotle talked about their health benefits (Pickle History 1). Amerigo Vespucci discovered that they prevented the spread of scurvy (Pickle History 1). Shakespeare referred to them in his plays (Pickle History 1). What are they? Pickles. Known as both a fruit and a vegetable, they are the result of pickling. Even though the origins of this method are unknown, many believe it started out in India during 2030 B.C. (Science of Pickles 1), while others believe it originated in Mesopotamia in 2400 B.C. (Pickle History 1). Either way, our ancestors benefited from this …show more content…

This is because pickles do not evolve into a healthy probiotic food without the live bacteria, which is only present during the home fermentation (Naturally Fermented Dill Pickles 1). Julius Caesar was not wrong when he thought that feeding pickled foods to his troops would allow them to become stronger both physically and mentally (Pickle History Timeline 1). Not only do sour pickles help destroy bacteria in our digestive tracks, but they also help balance out the acid – alkaline content of our body. Also, lacto-fermented pickles can help us because they absorb iron better than other types of food due to their high concentration of Vitamin C (Anne 1). According to research, eating vinegar soaked pickles can help you loose weight (Anne 1). Strangely enough, one of the biggest craves in pregnant women is pickles. But pickling does not always result in a healthy pickle. According to the World Health Organization, pickled vegetables have been recorded as a feasible carcinogen, causing cancer including esophageal (Islami …show more content…

Even though pickling was used to preserve food in the ancient times and was needed in terms of survival, over the decades it has evolved into a form of art for various cultures (Kitchen Garden Harvest 1). In the past pickles have been very beneficial. As mentioned before in 1492 when traveling to the new world on the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, many crew passengers suffered from a disease called scurvy, which occurs when a lack of vitamin C is present. Amerigo Vespucci, who was Christopher Columbus’ ship stocker, loaded pickles embedded with vitamin C on to the ship because they believed that eating them would prevent the spread of scurvy (Science of Pickles 1). Here, they were able to stop this disease and this allowed for our past generation to advance by completely wiping out this disease. The phrase “in a pickle” which is figurative language for being stuck in a bad situation, was actually created by Shakespeare and used in various plays of his such as The Tempest (Science of Pickles 1). In 850 BC, Aristotle talked about the healing benefits that cured cucumbers caused (Pickle History Timeline

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