The Benefits Of Physical Attractiveness In The Workplace

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Physical attractiveness is everything in this day and age. Possessing attractive physical traits will make your life a lot easier in most ways compared with those who do not possess such traits. People perceive physically attractive people as smarter, more successful, more sociable, more dominant, sexually warmer, mentally healthier and higher in self- esteem than their physically unattractive counterparts. The natural tendency to ascribe all sorts of positive traits to beautiful people also means that they are given more breaks in life. Physical attractiveness in the workplace is a huge advantage according to various studies. One study found that employees above-average in looks earn 5% more than average-looking employees (Elmer & Houran). When facing the judicial system for various crimes, physically attractive criminals found guilty have been found to receive lesser sentences compared to that of the sentences received by physically unattractive criminals. Physically attractive people have also been found to be more easily accepted socially then physically unattractive people. The benefits that attractiveness typically confers to the attractive in social interactions may also yield status inequalities that again advantage the attractive (Frevert & Walker, 2014). Physical attractiveness in the workplace is a major advantage according to various studies. Physically attractive job candidates whose qualifications are similar to those of less attractive candidates are more likely to be hired for the same job (Elmer & Houran). Beyond the initial hiring phase, possessing physically attractive traits may also play a role in subsequent occupational status attainment. For example, Navy sailors who were rated as highly attractive in compa... ... middle of paper ... ...gular study of the con of being physically appeasing, in this case, the “beauty is beastly effect”, it is quite obvious that the benefits far outweigh the negatives. In conclusion Physical attractiveness is everything in this day and age. Possessing attractive physical traits will make your life a lot easier in most ways compared with those who do not possess such traits. Possessing physically attractive traits can help in many ways, including influencing how others perceive you, first impressions, social acceptance, assumptions of competence within the workplace, climbing the ladder within a company and receiving less or lighter punishment within the judicial system. If one possesses traits that are deemed to be attractive it is almost guaranteed that one will have a much easier life than those who are not considered to be physically attractive.

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