The Benefits Of Children In Competitive Sports

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Dear Parents of children not in competitive sports: Some think that competitive sports are good for people but others think that they could be bad for children. The people that think they are good think things like it is exercise, children get to know how to work as a team, and children get to make friends with people of similar interests to them. The people that think they are bad think about the injuries that could happen and that a child could be sad that their team had a losing season. This is important because these are children that are important for the future and parents love them. It is clear that children being in competitive sports is more beneficial to children because children get the exercise they need so they will not be …show more content…

In the article Sports: The Benefits of Competitive Athletic Sports Participation in Today’s Sports Climate. It says "Participating in sports gives athletes the ability to develop tight and lasting friendships with others who have common interests." (Mango 2012) This suggests that children who play sports can make friends with the people on their team that have similar interests. Also, in that article it says "It is through this experience that some grow into leaders and others into strong supporters, both of which a team will need to be successful."(Mango 2012) This illustrates, that playing in sports could help people in people in school by becoming leaders like if they are doing group work they could lead the group. Additionally, in the article by Kirk Mango he says "Gaining a solid understanding of group dynamics and its role in the success and/or failure of a team is a common experience to all sports participants."(2012) This means that children learn to work as a group and understand it take more than just that on person in the group to do the work and they learn how to lose and win so they know how to handle it. These reasons and evidence prove that the claim is correct by stating how being on a team can help Children become leaders and …show more content…

The claim is about children which are the future of humanity and they are loved by their parents and other family members. The first reason is that the youth can be fit and not fat. This matters because if a child is overweight it could lead to different health problems. The second reason is that children get to learn how to work as a team. This is important because imagine if there was a child in school and had to do a group project and didn’t know how to work as a group or team very well and they do not learn that things do not always happen how they want and then they have to do by themselves. While it is true that kid can stay fit in other ways like going on bike rides and other things like that. Parents of children not in competitive sports should encourage the children to be in competitive sports because it's probably really hard to find something that is not competitive and the Children get the exercise that they need and they get to make friends with people that have similar

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