The Basic Structure Burroway Three-Stage Model

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ENG510 Erasing Amyloo by Russell Edson uses the basic structure Burroway three-stage model of conflict, crisis, and resolve or resolution. Conflict The introduction of the conflict starts in the beginner of the poem when the father erases his daughter. “A father with a huge eraser erases his daughter. When he finishes there's only a red smudge on the wall.” (1) This is a struggle between the father and his wanting to erase his daughter. Man vs. Self Crisis “Bring your head over here and I'll erase Amyloo out of it. The husband rubs his eraser on his wife's forehead, and as she begins to forget she says, hummm, I wonder whatever happened to Amyloo? . . .” (1) The mother insist on remembering Amyloo, while the father wants her forgotten, he attempts …show more content…

I don't remember your being Amyloo. Are you my Amyloo, whom I don't remember anymore? . . .Of course not, Amyloo was a girl. Do I look like a girl? . . . I don't know, I don't know what anything looks like anymore. . .” (1) The father successfully erased Amyloo. This Moment by Adriana Paramo is written in a narrative structure using the rise and momentum where the story leads with an exposition. Exposition “One month before my daughter turns sixteen, I stand by the hospital bed, look her in the eye, and ask why.” (1) This opening sentence introduces the character, set-up the story and includes an inciting incident. Complication (Rising Action) “My thoughts scatter, senselessly. What if this is happening because we live in the wrong house? What if we had bought the house in Auburndale instead of this one?” (2) This portion of the story shows the rising action where the mother is trying to contemplate the reason she daughter tried to commit suicide. Climax “She climbs slowly into the van. I wave, but she turns away. I can’t breathe. I need to be monitored too. Preferably, next to her. Put us into solitary confinement together. Beat us and starve us and do not let up until I put her pieces back together.”

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