The Ant And The Grasshopper By Aesop

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In the fable “The Ant and the Grasshopper” written by the the world renowned author Aesop it tells what seems to be a child's tale about about preparing for the future and working hard by gathering food. This story is actually a lot deeper than what it seems to be on the outside, addressing key flaws and points of justice in the world. In this fable a grasshopper is happily moving through life eating and abundance of food and playing around. One day on a summer while prancing through life the grasshopper seen an ant work hard. So the grasshopper asked the ant if he wanted to come chat. The Ant said no and suggested that the grasshopper start preparing for the winter like he was doing. The grasshopper replied with “we have plenty of food …show more content…

Next he pulls one ant aside and asks why was he working so hard,but once the queen ant sees the ant talking to the grasshopper she forces the ant to get back to work. The grasshopper tries to convince the queen that her and her ants should stop and have fun because “the world owes them a living” and they have plenty of time to prepare for winter. The queen tells the grasshopper that he will regret not preparing now when the winter comes. Once the winter comes the grasshopper is starving and out searching for food. on the verge of death the grasshopper sees the ants all having a good time with plenty of food. He crawls to the door and the let him in and take care of him.he then realizes he was living life wrong and changes his song from “the world owes us a living” to “we owe the world a living”.
This disney retelling displays the advantages and ideas of social fairness vs the the disadvantages of individual morality. In this example societ trumps the individual,but is not all that fair due to the fact that the queen did not do any work at all ,but was treated the best and survived alongside the hardworking ants.In the original fable the battle was between the individual morality of the ant and the individual morality of the grasshopper, which is misleading and does not make since because there isn’t a society

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