The Annexation of Mexico

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“The object of war is victory; that of victory is conquest; and that of conquest is preservation (Charles de Secondat).” War is both a necessity and a parasite. It is a necessity for one to conquer and fulfill ambitions, while the parasite trying to destroy and create havoc in the same discussion. The annexation of Mexico would face both of these predicaments, but the necessity for prosperity and stability outweighs the parasite’s wants and desires. Bringing forth Mexico into the union would only benefit the new country both globally and locally. Mexico has too much to offer to ignore the positive consequences that unification brings forth. Endless possibilities for change for the people, brings about change for the future.

Since Mexico and America have been noticed on the world scale as major countries, our militaries have been close knit in all major scuffles in history. From the Mexican Revolution and Spanish-American war in the 1800’s, to the wars in the middle east. We have helped them as much as we have confronted them. Confrontations between us date back to the debate over Texas, New Mexico and California, up to manifest destiny. Who controlled what land rights made this a hot-bed of trouble and questions.

When american citizens began to experience Manifest Destiny in the 1840’s, it made the idea of annexation very real. Congressmen John, Robertson made very radical pushes during this time to annex Mexico. He saw it as a great business opportunity, letting both nations have the opportunity to have prosperity (Robertson 5). With Manifest Destiny coming to a close towards the 1850’s, not very many people in the US congress supported the idea because the Mexican Revolution had created a ...

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...3 Nov. 2013

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